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  Fridays was Drive In Movie Night

While growing up in Edenwald, I always looked forward to Friday nights, during July and August.  My brothers and sister anxiously waited for Dad to take us to the Whitestone drive in movie. A rainy Friday night, really was a disappointed for preventing us from going.  If we arrived early enough, while it was still light out, we could get to go on the rides at the small amusement park at the Drive in movie. There was a ferrris wheel,  free standing spring supported horse rides and a circular ride, as I recollect.

One time my sister and I were riding the ferris wheel.  As we were at the peak of a rotation, the gate on our ferris wheel seat came off.  Luckily we were not hurt, but the owners of the drive in were extremely apologetic to my dad. After that incident, the owners made sure we always received free snacks every time we came the drive in movie . . . every summer season.

Drive in movie night allowed us to stay up as late as we wanted, because we usually went to bed at 8:00PM.

Seeing "Psycho" at the drive in was the scariest movie for me at age 9 or 10.